Environments Design Studio
My Environments Design Studio 4 course focuses on "investigating, understanding, and materializing invisible and intangible phenomena and relationships, such as social interaction, infrastructure, and systems, through new forms of probe, display, and interface."
Video narrative + Cross-cultural collaboration + Observational research + Video concept development + Script writing + Design research + After effects + Illustrator + Photoshop
Project Links
Project 1: Materializing the Invisible
(Concept video from Project 1 below).
Project 3: Affordances Workshop
In this two-week long study, guided by PhD candidate Frances Carter and Professor Dan Lockton, we discuss the affordances or functional qualities of objects we encounter on a daily basis. Throughout the workshop, we asked ourselves questions like: Is the current function different than the intended function? Does the object enable the behavior or is it a hinderance? How does the object fit into the greater environment?
My Affordances Journal
After studying the affordance journals and notes of others, we were tasked with observing objects and spaces on our own and analyzing them from a function, usage, and form perspective. I looked at everyday objects like water bottles, desks, chairs, and windows to see how I was using them, how others might be using them, and if the intended use was the same as the actual use. I also considered the various sensory responses that I have to each object or space.
Project 4: Intelligent Environments- What would SAM say?
picking up queues and learned over time through asking questions, thus creating awkward moments for people using or engaging with it.
The intelligent environments project explores various issues with AI, its development, and the possibilities of where it could go next. I collaborated with another student in the Environments track, Jasper Tom, and together we conceived of an "intelligent friend" to guide one through social situations. The goal of the project is to simulate what an intelligent environment, or intelligent technology embedded within an environment, might feel like. In our piece, we speculated what AI would be like if it was not socially adept to